Issue 30
Issue 30 Issue 30 Issue 30 Issue 30 Issue 30 Issue 30 Issue 30 Issue 30 Issue 30 Issue 30
$ 9.00

The latest DTTW issue, 64 pages of pain of heart and love for truth. With this issue we will be offering a new limited addition to the release that you will be able to select if you choose. It will be an issue with a large full color wall poster inserted.

These are the articles included in the issue:

  • Art-I-Ficial (introductory article)
  • Nothing as Beautiful as a Christian Death by Fr David Sommer
  • Death to the Machine by Paul Kingsnorth
  • A Deer Lost in Paradise by St Justin Popovic
  • Prayer is a Fierce and Bloody Struggle by St Ephraim of Katounakia
  • Life of Alexander Schmorell of the White Rose Resistance 
  • "Silent stood..." by Fr Zechariah Lynch
  • Waging War, Fundamentals in Spiritual Warfare

And much more...

Issues will be sent out in the beginning of the ecclesiastical year in order of when they are placed. We get hundreds of orders for these issues, so the sooner a pre-order is placed the sooner an order will be received, but please give through the month of September and October for it to land unless notified otherwise.