Issue 27
Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27 Issue 27
$ 9.00

 A raw 60 pages of manifesto for the coming apocalypse, to be printed and shipped in late March 2021. This issue includes new writers and designers banded together with original contributors and fashioners of the 90's. 

From the introductory article:

After the year of clear vision,

WE TAKE IT AS OUR GREAT PRIVILEGE to enter an age wherein no stone remains on another. There is much to be gained amidst the dark ruins of a shattered world: Brokenness and desolation, so hopeless in the eyes of some, are invisibly pregnant with promise in the eyes of others. As we kick the opiate of material comforts, exit the temple of broken idols, and come to acknowledge that our culture is one of loud and benumbing noise, we finally stand on the threshold of encountering Truth. If one is not seduced back to numbness by the influence of contemporary life, this threshold positions one to apprehend truly (and even transcend almost completely) our dying world’s scaffolding—its logic, appearances, gross phenomena—and come to know by experience the spiritual, otherworldly life. Thus, when one loses all that is of apparent worth and modern society’s ugly face is unmasked, a search for the new, authentic life begins. Indeed, the quaking and tumult of 2020 has not only thrown us onto uneven ground; it has mercifully granted us an ideal vantage point: Clear eyes now see a materialistic society crumbling to its brittle foundations and the hopeful emergence of a sounder, stabler reality, i.e. the Kingdom of Heaven.


Now, though 2020 erupted with protest and agitation,

WE CALL YOU TO JOIN US IN A TRUE REVOLUTION, the last true rebellion this failing world has ever known. You see, dear reader, we—likewise born into chaos, likewise gasping in a life of asphyxiation, likewise dirtied from our foolish actions—can attest to an urgent, life-and-death realization: Standing on the threshold of the authentic life requires alertness and the evasion of a predatory world that aims to draw you into its entangling and poisonous affairs. The authentic life requires one not to put to death the world outside oneself; the authentic life requires one to put to death the world inside oneself. All the world’s hypnotizing idols must be toppled and shattered; all its deceptions must be exposed and rejected; all its protective masks—declared by some to be for your protection—must be ripped off and thrown away. In this process and only by this process does one encounter Truth, for Truth is not an abstraction, a philosophy, or an idea but a Person Whom one begins to know through action, contemplation, and transfiguration.

-The Editors


*Some images may be subject to change as we complete the editing process.