Issue 26
Issue 26 Issue 26 Issue 26 Issue 26 Issue 26 Issue 26 Issue 26 Issue 26 Issue 26 Issue 26
$ 9.00

Introductory article:

This age, sinking in the mire of false spiritualism and self-worship, has deceived us. It is an age built upon the casualties of nuclear war and genocide, yet in its hubris flies the flag of progress in a utopian fervor. From the womb until now we have witnessed the menacing face of the world, its silent killing and torture of souls, while attempting to inoculate the mind with comfortability, mindless feed scrolling, and empty entertainment.

The world has told us that in order to heal ourselves from its inflicting blows, we must live our life to the fullest in running after our desires. Yet, in running after our every craving and living only for the appetite, we have defined our age by an unbridled life--neglectful of any virtue--and at the end of this road of destruction we have witnessed the unleashing of mass murderers, serial rapists, and control addicts in every class of society. In its dance of death, the world continues to whisper what is contrary to our true healing and the only means of rebellion against its road to death. 

Perhaps, the need for the voice of true rebellion is now more important than any age before our own. As we stand here on the precipice of destruction and already plunged head first into the sea of Apathy, the manifesto returns after five years of dormancy to cry out, "wake up, O, sleeper and rise from the dead"(Eph 5:14). 

True healing comes through putting the world to death within us, to put an end to its lie that we are defined by desire and appetite. The rebellion against this world can only be defined by a life that exists outside of it. Today, we present that life in a new manifesto.